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Just my thoughts #0275

Both arrogance and humility can contribute to our success. While humility is not the sole key to achievement, it enables a connection with someone who genuinely cares. That individual may represent everything I need in life. Ultimately, success can be seen as cultivating a deep bond with the person who truly loves you. If you can nurture multiple meaningful relationships throughout your journey, beyond that loving individual, you should regard yourself as blessed with humility. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0267

If being happy doesn’t depend on intelligence or wealth, what truly brings happiness to people? I believe that “knowing how to find satisfaction” and “knowing how to enjoy life” are essential for happiness. While having more or less can play a role, it isn’t the sole determinant. What matters most is finding a sense of satisfaction that resonates with your circumstances. Genuine education should prioritize teaching individuals how to find joy and contentment before focusing on the pursuit of achievement. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0266

The wall feels uncomfortable and unclear primarily because it is vertical. Its thickness and height are not the key issues; what matters is the slope. If the slope is mild, anyone can ascend it, regardless of the wall. Thus, it’s advisable to steer clear of climbing walls and to do hills. Life’s challenges stem from the endless cycles of rising and falling rather than simply from the effort of climbing upward. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0265

When the caterpillar believed its journey was at an end, it transformed into a beautiful butterfly. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the shell you need to shed and think it marks the end of everything you know. But change is really about embracing new beginnings and discovering a fresh perspective! Although changing ourselves can be daunting and even a little painful, it’s also a chance for growth. The caterpillar that struggles with what to let go of isn’t foolish; it’s simply on a journey of discovery. So, before you stress about your next steps, why not take a moment to reflect on what your shell represents? - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0264

Previously, the medium held exclusive power over the message, making its truth unquestionable.  Now, with digital technology enabling individual media creation, anyone can craft a message.  Essentially, messages have transformed into their own mediums.  When you produce a shareable message, you effectively become a medium yourself.  However, the significance of sending messages is often overlooked.  The perceived value of a message shifts dramatically when people trust the messenger’s identity.  Therefore, to manage Instagram effectively, prioritize establishing a credible identity and consistently sharing valuable content. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0263

A truly intelligent individual embraces new perspectives, information, ideas, contradictions, and challenges to existing beliefs. If you lack a foundational understanding despite having extensive knowledge, this knowledge may lead to misunderstandings or an inability to connect concepts, ultimately reinforcing stubbornness. As assumptions, facts, and circumstances evolve, it is prudent to adapt swiftly. This quality is known as “Intellectual Humility.” - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0262

In the future, those who effectively manage the “signifiant” as opposed to the “signifié” will prevail. For instance, if you post food content on Instagram, viewers are not interested in every single menu item. Such details can be found anywhere. Even a self-boarded student prepares and enjoys their meals. If the food represents the “signifié,” then the arrangement of the food itself is the “signifiant.” What users engage with on Instagram is not merely the food but rather the presentation that signifies it. Without a message that stands out, your Instagram is likely to get lost among countless other posts. Remember, the medium is the message, and the message is the medium. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0261

One hundred seventy years ago, tuberculosis was a lethal disease. This illness posed a significant threat to humanity, resulting in an estimated 1 billion deaths between 1700 and 1900. Notably, traces of tuberculosis have been found in the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings. In the late 1840s, German botanist Hermann Brehmer, confronted with the fatality of tuberculosis, relocated to the Himalayas in search of fresh air. Remarkably, he survived and is believed to have successfully fought off Mycobacterium tuberculosis in that less favorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, numerous nursing homes emerged across Europe and the United States, including specialized facilities for tuberculosis care and luxury accommodations for the affluent. However, by the 1940s, many of these nursing homes began closing due to the emergence of antibiotics, which drastically changed their economic viability. Throughout history, it seems that economic value often proves transient. - Joseph’s “j...