The greater the mountain, the less we consider its height due to its overall size. It’s not merely the height or depth that defines a significant mountain; rather, it’s the climate. A mountain that experiences changing weather patterns is indeed greater. Similarly, the greater a person is, the broader and more diverse their capacity for change, which should not be taken lightly. We must refrain from judging those individuals with our imperfect cognitive abilities. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
The greater the mountain, the less we consider its height due to its overall size. It’s not merely the height or depth that defines a significant mountain; rather, it’s the climate. A mountain that experiences changing weather patterns is indeed greater. Similarly, the greater a person is, the broader and more diverse their capacity for change, which should not be taken lightly. We must refrain from judging those individuals with our imperfect cognitive abilities. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”