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Showing posts with the label trust

Just my thoughts #0225

Antibiotics are agents that eliminate bacteria. Since bacteria are living organisms, they can develop resistance when individuals misuse antibiotics, resulting in so-called “resistance.” Consequently, antibiotics are not always effective against bacteria. The widespread use of antibiotics can diminish the chances of treating future patients by fostering bacterial resistance. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies that produce antibiotics establish ethical guidelines for fair market competition. It is advisable to administer one antibiotic to target a specific bacterium. However, developing a new antibiotic and achieving profitability typically takes about 20 years, presenting a daunting challenge. Additionally, some individuals aggressively market health supplements, often disregarding ethical considerations. Those involved in health and wellness must exercise great care. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0223

A part-time worker at a fast-food chain put in a lot of effort. The worker’s dedication impressed the boss, leading to the firing of other part-timers and an increase in trust placed in this worker. As a result, the worker ended up with significantly more responsibilities while keeping the same salary. I reiterate that structure is more important than mere effort. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0214

Affection lacking temperance can turn into violence at any time. No matter how much you love, the other person may not ideally match your expectations, so the time comes when the beloved one wants to avoid the affection you’re pouring out or keep away for a while. A relationship that lacks experience in building trust through moderation has no power to continue when dissatisfaction and regret arise. A healthy relationship involves trusting that temperance is not rejection. Relationships, after all, are energy and power. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0199

Humans and the world they inhabit are intricate. We build relationships with one another rooted in unspoken agreements that reflect sentiments like trust and affection. When hostility arises, I begin to question the underlying implicit agreement. Some other person has a connection with me while being oblivious to my expectations. After experiencing emotional pain due to arguments, we often shift from these unspoken understandings to explicit communication, such as a verbal conversation. Still, by then, it may be too late to heal the rift. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0066

If you've kept your word in every situation, borrowing from your neighbors may be more possible when you borrow money from others. That is, your financial trouble doesn't mean that you don't have any money, but it means that you don't have any credit from anyone. Currency has some value according to all people are constantly giving trust in exchangeable value, and money itself doesn't have any value at all. All values come from giving trust to something. Gaining credibility only, even pebbles on the street can be money. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0047

The reason that unboxing videos are so popular on YouTube is that consumers trust them. Consumers trust them to be on the side of the buyer, not the seller. Unboxing storytelling starts with the box and shows the product after it has been unpacked. It is entirely from the buyer's point of view. Sellers, on the other hand, want to show the product first. In the online world, being on consumers' side is more trustworthy than being honest and accurate - but that doesn't mean it's less important. If you need to earn trust, you should prove that you're on the customers' side. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0011

On the economic front, a relationship that believes in each other is much more beneficial than an untrustworthy relationship. Disbelief results in inefficiency and leads to increased costs. Nevertheless, most of us choose to be distrustful because our experiences of loss from betraying after we have trusted someone are clearly visible and the benefits of cost savings by trusting someone are invisible. My attitude toward the world determines my actions, in our distorted experience, we regret and conflict daily. Even though we know it's a loss, we continue to cling to our foolish choices. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"