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Showing posts with the label technology

Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0132

Google founder Sergey Brin, one day asked a great question. “What will happen if we give this service for free?” The result was, as we know well, “MONOPOLY”. Google gives employees 100,000 meals a day for free. This is because Google found that providing free meals is more profitable for the company. Initially, a payment system was introduced in the cafeteria. Soon, however, Google changed its mind when it saw the people waiting in line. Google learned the “opportunity cost”. Google's technology is excellent, but they realize it is not about making money. Fate changed when they discovered that the Business Model for that technology made money. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0059

Here a product is being made by only three countries, South Korea, China, and Japan. It's not a semiconductor but a nail clipper. You might think that a nail clipper is not a big deal, but it's not as simple as that. Nail clippers are a combination of all sorts of advanced technologies. In the 1980s, South Korea could produce submarines and battleships, but they did not  possess  the technology to produce nail clippers. When the upper and lower teeth are in mesh, the chink must be 0.1 to 0.2 millimeters. When perfect engagement, the nail is not cut properly on the contrary, the outrange of this tolerance, is cut out coarsely. Today, thanks to technological advances, South Korea has been able to narrow this chink to between 0.05 and 0.08 millimeters. South Korea, to achieve this goal, produces a special steel called "15CM" through POSCO which is specially made for this nail clipper. Many different advanced technologies are combined in this tiny nail clipper. Don't

Just my thoughts #0042

Good design balances "form follows function" and "function follows form. An example of a design where form follows function is an airplane. An example of a design where function follows form is a doorknob on one side of a sliding door that opens only in one direction. It doesn't matter which came first, the chicken or the egg. The more you understand the technology, the better the design will be. With their many features, smartphones have simplified their form with touchscreen functionality. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0030

Questions. Who is the biggest threat to GM? 1. Hyundai Motor 2. Tesla 3. Google 4. Consumer Well, how about this? 1. Which gasoline car should I buy? (Competitor: Hyundai Motor) 2. Should I buy an electric car or a gasoline car? (Competitor: Tesla) 3. Should I buy an autonomous car? (Competitor: Google Waymo) 4. Should I buy a car? (Destroyer: Consumer) In this context, the biggest threat to GM is a shared car service company like Uber. Innovative technologies trigger market change, but business models are ultimately the most creative and disruptive. Innovative technology comes next. The biggest causes of business problems are business models first, and the second is business models too. In other words, the key to success is the same. The original business model has to change and evolve. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0027

In the USA, even in one country, the time difference between the west and the east is 3 hours. People thought that time was a natural thing. But it is not. It's very political. The time that man lives in a unit of minutes is too short. However, since the invention of the steam locomotive, the appearance of faster vehicles made crazy changes to the concept of time. The shift in distance made people realize what time was. Sandford Fleming, an engineer and inventor, asked to unify the time difference caused by long-distance transportation, but people rejected his request. If the boarding time were not fixed, the railroad would be useless. The history of the 24-hour clock was made only about 140 years ago. Even with the invention of high technology, if nothing is consensus, nothing benefits. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"