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Showing posts with the label smartphone

Just my thoughts #0261

One hundred seventy years ago, tuberculosis was a lethal disease. This illness posed a significant threat to humanity, resulting in an estimated 1 billion deaths between 1700 and 1900. Notably, traces of tuberculosis have been found in the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings. In the late 1840s, German botanist Hermann Brehmer, confronted with the fatality of tuberculosis, relocated to the Himalayas in search of fresh air. Remarkably, he survived and is believed to have successfully fought off Mycobacterium tuberculosis in that less favorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, numerous nursing homes emerged across Europe and the United States, including specialized facilities for tuberculosis care and luxury accommodations for the affluent. However, by the 1940s, many of these nursing homes began closing due to the emergence of antibiotics, which drastically changed their economic viability. Throughout history, it seems that economic value often proves transient. - Joseph’s “j...

Just my thoughts #0259

My mother uses an old cell phone instead of a typical smartphone. My father passed away without ever owning a cell phone. Though they were my parents living in the same era as technology advanced, they struggled to learn how to use a computer. As a result, my parents felt increasingly out of touch. Existing in the same timeframe doesn’t guarantee that everyone experiences the same advancements in civilization. Although time progresses universally, its impact varies among individuals. This variance is shaped by our memories and cognitive perceptions. Thus, the saying, “You don’t miss your water till the well runs dry” remains relevant. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0042

Good design balances "form follows function" and "function follows form. An example of a design where form follows function is an airplane. An example of a design where function follows form is a doorknob on one side of a sliding door that opens only in one direction. It doesn't matter which came first, the chicken or the egg. The more you understand the technology, the better the design will be. With their many features, smartphones have simplified their form with touchscreen functionality. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”