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Showing posts with the label relevance

Just my thoughts #0238

There’s a saying that after a flood, no water is left to drink. Those who see this as a metaphor grasp that it signifies that “usefulness” outweighs “quantity.” In contrast, literal interpreters might invest in stocks for “mineral water” due to an anticipated rise in demand for bottled water post-flood. This illustrates how interpretation and action can diverge significantly. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0235

I believe that humans’ key activities are discovery and imagination. Humans grow through thought, which involves gathering information from the exploration of nature and society and organizing it meaningfully. Progress occurs when we connect with and apply this information beyond its immediate relevance, and this process of connection is termed imagination. Discovery serves as the foundational material for imagination, while imagination generates new outcomes through application, leading to development. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”