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Showing posts with the label real estate

Just my thoughts #0273

The greater the mountain, the less we consider its height due to its overall size. It’s not merely the height or depth that defines a significant mountain; rather, it’s the climate. A mountain that experiences changing weather patterns is indeed greater. Similarly, the greater a person is, the broader and more diverse their capacity for change, which should not be taken lightly. We must refrain from judging those individuals with our imperfect cognitive abilities. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0202

In some cases, US real estate agents suggest that homeowners bake bread before potential buyers arrive for a showing. For many Americans, the aroma of fresh bread evokes a sense of family value. When the scent permeates the home, it creates an impression of a joyful household. Real estate brokers aren’t merely selling properties; they are in the business of selling “family love.” Their focus is on conveying “meanings” rather than selling mere products. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0147

Rather than building more houses to catch skyrocketing real estate prices, investing in transportation infrastructure is more effective. An office worker unable to afford London’s murderous rent moved to Barcelona, Spain, to live in a three-room house. He commuted to low-cost airline Ryanair for about £ 300 less than commuting from London (as of 2017: £ 580 house rent + £ 778 transportation fee = £ 1,358). The transportation environment changes our lives. Thoughts can’t keep up with the change. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0083

Anything consigned to the open market is likely to be distorted. Stocks, commodities, real estate, ideas, and even intentions lose their original intent, purpose, and value when released into the market. Since every market participant has different intentions and perspectives, it is natural that everything in the open market is distorted. Therefore, the idea that if you do your best, you will succeed is a superstition. If your efforts are gnawing at your soul, don't try your best anymore. Instead, it's far better to love yourself, to cherish yourself, and to comfort yourself. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0058

It's a simple calculation. No matter how unstable the economy, residential real estate prices are unlikely to increase tenfold in a decade. But it's quite possible for the stock of Apple, Amazon, or Google to increase tenfold in that time. That's because they're organizations that continue to create value-added. It's very easy to make better investment judgments and decisions, but our instinct to seek stability can lead us astray. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”