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Showing posts with the label price

Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0077

In wealth, the first is value exchange and the second is added value. "Value exchange" occurs when "need (demand)" comes first. Making and exchanging bread with wheat is a value exchange. The price of bread is higher than the price of wheat grain. The price difference is value added. For value-added to occur, "benefit" must be provided. To provide this "benefit", you have to incur costs and expenses. This is called investment. In other words, the value added is the result of the investment, the surplus is subtracting the costs and expenses from the supply price. You can calculate the value added to make a profit if you first know your investment condition and its amount. "Wealth" only occurs when "value-added" is accumulated. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0058

It's a simple calculation. No matter how unstable the economy, residential real estate prices are unlikely to increase tenfold in a decade. But it's quite possible for the stock of Apple, Amazon, or Google to increase tenfold in that time. That's because they're organizations that continue to create value-added. It's very easy to make better investment judgments and decisions, but our instinct to seek stability can lead us astray. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0034

In mathematics, a "recursive proposition" is a proposition whose true or false value is fed back into the proposition itself. For example, "I can never allow this to happen before I die!" is a recursive proposition. Unfortunately, the condition for proving that this is possible is that I die. The problem is that you are dead once, you can not be longer the person who gives permission. This phenomenon also occurs in the investment business. The most common example of this is an investment in stocks. This is a recursive proposition because if the price of a stock goes up and you sell it, the sales volume directly affects the price. Therefore, the number of shares (trading volume) is one of the most important factors to be considerable when investing in stocks. This property of recursive propositions is a good explanation for why the large trading of stock volumes is difficult to work. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0026

Starbucks Korea sells a 355ml tall size cup of Americano at KRW 4,500. It contains 3.5% solid matter to at least manifest tastes and flavors. The rest is just WATER. We should simultaneously drink 96.5% of the water to get just a few 3.5% together. The average production cost of 1ml of tap water in Seoul is KRW 0.00051. That's the same as paying about KRW 4,000 for a cup of tap water of about 350ml. We would think of how much we make money by selling coffee, but it's our misunderstanding. As an excuse for a few solid matters of "coffee", they're selling tap water at the unbelievable price of over KRW 4,000. They're making money with the cheapest solvent 'WATER', not 'COFFEE'. But almost all businessmen are trying to sell the solid matters of 3.5% at a high price. The reason, businessmen cannot make money is they make the wrong selection which cannot make money since the beginning. The making structure is first, and the effort is second. - Josep

Just my thoughts #0021

Economic activity must accompany a counterparty. Since people couldn't live alone anyway, they exchanged whatever goods met their needs, and as a result, an "economic system" was created. The standard of exchange is called "value" and the numerical representation of it is called "price. "Value" and "price" certainly do not necessarily match, and one of the main reasons is "competition. In the end, value is exchanged for price. Values are offered at the pricing initially presented by others or at a provider's insistence that wants to earn profit at first. If only the offered price is recognized by others, the recognized price is accepted as its determined value. The price of one's wage agreed upon with another is the real price of one. All other evaluations and recognitions except the above are only self-justifications and excuses. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”