The greater the mountain, the less we consider its height due to its overall size. It’s not merely the height or depth that defines a significant mountain; rather, it’s the climate. A mountain that experiences changing weather patterns is indeed greater. Similarly, the greater a person is, the broader and more diverse their capacity for change, which should not be taken lightly. We must refrain from judging those individuals with our imperfect cognitive abilities. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
The phenomenon of making choices that contradict one’s genuine feelings in order to avoid isolation or blend in with others is termed the “Abilene Paradox.” Such paradoxes occur when a group’s choice results in unfavorable outcomes, even as a member publicly endorses it while secretly criticizing the group’s original decision. This situation often arises from individuals fearing that voicing their discomfort may disturb others, particularly in settings that suppress authentic emotional expression. This underscores the difficulty of effective organizational communication and emphasizes the vital role that leadership plays in any organization. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”