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Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0112

In 2002, Nobel Prize-winning economist Daniel Kahneman conducted an experiment called the “Dictator Game”. It was 1986. One of the two subjects was given $20 to share with the other. The first condition was that the recipient could exercise his veto power if he did not like the distribution ratio, and then, the ruler ensured that the giver did not have the money. The second condition eliminated the veto. In the first condition, most people who gave money were divided in half. In the second condition, however, the giver had about 70% and shared only 30%. Most people think of fairness to vested interests between 50% and 70%. But, in some cases, even though the recipient had a veto, the giver had 90% and wanted to share only 10%. At that time, it was beneficial for the recipient to receive at least 10%, but by exercising the veto power, the giver did not have the money either. This is the moment of conflict between justice and rationality. People do not make decisions based on reason alon

Just my thoughts #0111

Human behavior and psychology are tricky and complex. If you ask someone who prefers short-term gains, “Would you like to get $1,000 now or $1,020 a year from now,” the person will choose the former. However, if you change the question, “Would you like to get $1,000 in 10 years or $1,020 in 11 years,” people will choose the latter. The taking of time and possessiveness are even under the same conditions, they make different choices. These two dominate the human personality. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0110

“Bian Que” is a doctor of ancient China. He met “Duke Huan”, the king of the country “Cai”, and asked, “You have a serious disease, but it is better if I only treat your skin”. Then “Duke Huan” thought that “Bian Que” was trying to cheat the skin disease to make money with the serious disease, and refused his treatment. Every 10 days, Bian Que went to give advice, but Duke Huan, who refused to treat the disease, eventually died. However, King Wen of Wei came to Bian Que and asked. “I've heard that your three brothers are all doctors, but which one is the best?” “The big brother is the best because he cures it with medicine before the disease is revealed, and the second brother is excellent because he uses acupuncture when the disease is small, and then I'm the third of them because I do surgical operations on the serious disease after it is revealed,” he replied. The king asked again. “Then who is the richest?” Bian Que also answered. “My big brother heals the disease without a

Just my thoughts #0109

The founder of the Presbyterian Church, Jean-Calvin, gave the name “vocation (calling)” to the “labor power” people provided to the capitalist. Labor is sacred and destiny. However, in this natural world, humans are the only ones who do much work without reason beyond those necessary for survival. African lions only take a nap outside of hunting time. “The dog in my house” also plays outside except for walking and eating. Humans who work physically and mentally 24 hours a day even abuse their brains, saying they are lacking. Only when you prove yourself to others do you become yourself indeed. But the time has come for AI and robots to do the work humans value. The opportunity came to be recognized for value, not the ability, but the existence itself. In the future, “Who am I?” will lead to success rather than “What are you doing?” Then, I'm asking, “Who are you?” - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0108

You probably suspect that your decisions are reasonably based on your judgment. However, human decisions are made according to the rules and structures at that time. By changing the decision structure and regulations, humans make different decisions under the same conditions. If you make a mistake, you don't have to regret or blame yourself for making the wrong decision. But, if you fail to judge the regulations and structure of the decision, then you must reflect on the mistake. This is to prevent repeated mistakes. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0107

Happiness and satisfaction are two distinct concepts. It is a fact that poverty deprives happiness. What is also a fact is that earning more than a certain amount of money does not increase happiness. Social science research has proven this. But satisfaction is a different matter entirely. Satisfaction is directly linked to achieving social goals. It is a myth that more money will make you happier. Happiness is about having the right money and friends. But satisfaction comes from achieving your goals. It is a simple fact that humans live a completely different life depending on whether their living standards are happiness or satisfaction. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0106

When choosing a job, FIRSTLY you must think “Who am I?” rather than “What should I do?”. Always establishing an identity first, and then finding a way. The more specific your identity is and the closer you are to the substance, the easier it is for you to know how to do it. So, identification is undoubtedly the most challenging aspect. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0105

The Bible's Solomon is called the “king of wisdom”. Solomon did not ask God for wealth and honor, but for “wisdom,” who knows how to rule the people and discern good and evil. This “wisdom” is called “rev showmea (לב שמע)” in the original text. Solving the meaning of this word means “listening mind” or “discerning heart.” Why do you want to hear and discern? To realize and practice. The mind is not seeing. It's to listen. There is no wisdom, wealth, and honor unless we hear and understand a person's heart and then take action. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0104

Emotion is an asset and an expense simultaneously. Emotions can make wealth, but increase costs, and reduce wealth. What emotions increase wealth? I choose ‘Heart Fluttering’ first. The feeling of stability without heart fluttering is fiction. It never lasts. Are you excited when you work? Does your heart pound when meeting someone you love? Probably, are you cheating on yourself in the feeling of stability without flutter? - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0103

The human brain is improved by “repetition.” Someone asked the cartoonist “Kwak, Baek-Soo”. “How can I draw well?” He replied, “Draw a lot.” He gave the right answer, but the questioner didn't believe his word. The answer was so obvious that the person who asked it was rather disappointed. However, the cartoonist is right. 'Quality' comes from “Quantity.” “Quantity” overcomes “Quality.” Furthermore, if “Quality” is not supported, a huge “Quantity” also cannot come out. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0102

The breath that continues every moment becomes our life. Our breaths are always sincere. Sincerity is our burden. However, no one considers the breath a burden. To live, we must persist. The paradox is this: if the burden is light, we can ignore it and feel we don't have a reason to continue. It is a weakness of small integrity. To live a better life, we have to do something small every day that's even small, but not burdensome, like breathing. Pretend to be fooled, but believe me just once. Life will change. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0101

All films are shown to the audience after completion. This is non-negotiable. It is, after all, record art. The audience must accept the film's fate, which has already been decided. If there is a spectator in our lives, our life is undoubtedly meant to be lived according to a predetermined plan. Isn't it? - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0100

There were three things that only kings could do—and they did them. Firstly, kings made the law. Secondly, kings were responsible for measuring and displaying time by seasonal divisions. The third is to determine the music scale. These three things have one thing in common: they set standards. The legislation is the foundation for order and dispute resolution in human society. Time measurements and indications are the standard for measuring the length of life in nature. The king sets the standard for music. Why? Music is a comprehensive collection of art, mathematics, and physics. Music is, in fact, a political act. It's incredibly complex. I find music the most challenging of all. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0099

The hospital is where patients are healed. Therefore the hospital is full of patients. The hospital must be able to keep patients healthy and accommodate many patients at any given time. The church is a place to call sinners. There are undoubtedly many sinners in the church. But what if there are only sinners who do not repent? Filters are tools that get rid of dirty things and clean them. If we don't clean it, it's the dirtiest. "Self-purification" restores the original substance. If the instructor omits "self-purification," the absurd result will occur as in the previous example. Don't be sad or angry even if life deceives you. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0098

A relationship of empathy or best friendship is one in which there is a relatively equal exchange of emotions. However, there is an unequal exchange of emotions. Take celebrities and fans, for example, or dictators and people. When the structure of unequal emotional exchange spreads, it inevitably leads to unhappiness. That's what unreciprocated love is all about. The dictator is so too. Therefore, a married couple must have an equal structure of emotional exchange for the relationship to be healthy. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0097

Knowing someone and being friendly with someone are two very different things. Two main ways to build relationships with main motives are affiliation and intimacy. "Affiliation motivation" is the psychological action of getting along with others to avoid rejection. The "intimacy motive" is to increase intimacy with a select few and establish a stable relationship. It would be mentally strained to have more than 10 to 15 relationships. If you feel burdened by human relationships, you must examine your treatment of people with "affinity." The fear of being rejected is what drives the mind. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0096

British anthropologist Robin Dunbar was certain that primate cerebral neocortical capacity determines the number of social relations. He definitively established the limit of human relationships at 100 to 230 people. The average value of 150 people is known as Dunbar's number. In the world of chimpanzees, 30 is the absolute maximum. However, fewer than 12 people in the world can sympathize with me. My best friend is now reduced to 3 or 4. The relationship quantity decreases to the square root value and increases to the square value. Three or four of my best friends will eventually connect with people from all over the world. This is the same principle as when one or two virus-infected people infect the world. Focus on your best friend. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0095

In the early 2000s, “Dove” felt a decrease in sales and a deterioration in brand image. In 2004, Dove launched a campaign to improve its brand image. That was the Dove's Real Beauty Campaign. It was the portrait drawing event that evoked the greatest repercussion. A montage artist from the San Jose Police Department who couldn't see the model drew a portrait of a customer Dove, firstly, explained the impression of the customers themselves, and then secondly, explained by someone who saw them to the montage artist to draw their portraits. The portraits others saw and described were more beautiful than those they expressed themselves. “You are more beautiful than you think.” Yes, this is the truth. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0094

Human activity was limited when the world paused due to the pandemic, and interactions plummeted. People openly admitted that they were struggling financially. Wealth creation is the core purpose of an economy. Wealth is created through exchange. Exchange is the only way wealth is created. Things are only priced through an exchange. The pandemic has irrefutably demonstrated that activity fosters exchange. If you want to gain wealth, you must be active. Even if you're not dynamically active, you must be statically active. Keep being active! Never stand still! - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0093

A shareholder is the owner of a company. A shareholder is someone who invests capital in a company. There are three ways for shareholders to take money from the invested company: 1) become an executive or employee and receive wages, 2) receive dividends after settlement, or 3) receive remaining assets (liquidation property) excluding debts when the company is liquidated. A third party investing in the company is directly irrelevant to the existing shareholders in cash flow. Despite the shareholder owning the company, there is no way to share the surplus capital caused by the investments among the existing shareholders other than 1) and 2) except for company liquidation No. 3. Let me be clear: receiving an investment does not guarantee benefits for the company. It simply covers future costs and expenses in advance. Capital inducement means increasing the heavy duty of leaving profits, not being given profits unconditionally. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”