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Showing posts with the label green tea

Just my thoughts #0225

Antibiotics are agents that eliminate bacteria. Since bacteria are living organisms, they can develop resistance when individuals misuse antibiotics, resulting in so-called “resistance.” Consequently, antibiotics are not always effective against bacteria. The widespread use of antibiotics can diminish the chances of treating future patients by fostering bacterial resistance. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies that produce antibiotics establish ethical guidelines for fair market competition. It is advisable to administer one antibiotic to target a specific bacterium. However, developing a new antibiotic and achieving profitability typically takes about 20 years, presenting a daunting challenge. Additionally, some individuals aggressively market health supplements, often disregarding ethical considerations. Those involved in health and wellness must exercise great care. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0176

The plum contains a poison called “amygdalin.” This poison is found not only in plums but also in other drupes. The poison “amygdalin” is a combination of two glucose molecules. When these glucose molecules are divided, they turn into “prunasin,” which is more prevalent in other plants. When an insect attacks a plant, it breaks the bond with glucose, turning it into “mandelonitrile” and quickly converting it into “benzaldehyde” and “hydrocyanic acid (HCN)” once more. HCN is a respiratory poison, and benzaldehyde is a unique fragrance component of cherries, bitter almonds, and pistachios. This dangerous ingredient is also present in green tea, but it appears only in small amounts, so it does not cause any problems when consumed. It is an ironic phenomenon in which by-products essential for survival kill other living beings. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”