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Showing posts with the label fortune

Just my thoughts #0276

Success is not determined by how much or how little you try. Anyone can be successful, but not everyone can achieve success. Rather, success is like a test paper that proves what a successful person is. Success is the opportunity to see what a person is really like. It’s humbling to know that there are other factors to success besides hard work, but if you believe that effort is everything, your success will soon become a sharp knife that wounds others. No matter how hard you try, you can’t beat fortune. This is the lesson of history. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0276

Success is not determined by how much or how little you try. Anyone can be successful, but not everyone can achieve success. Rather, success is like a test paper that proves what a successful person is. Success is the opportunity to see what a person is really like. It’s humbling to know that there are other factors to success besides hard work, but if you believe that effort is everything, your success will soon become a sharp knife that wounds others. No matter how hard you try, you can’t beat fortune. This is the lesson of history. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”