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Showing posts with the label efficiency

Just my thoughts #0261

One hundred seventy years ago, tuberculosis was a lethal disease. This illness posed a significant threat to humanity, resulting in an estimated 1 billion deaths between 1700 and 1900. Notably, traces of tuberculosis have been found in the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings. In the late 1840s, German botanist Hermann Brehmer, confronted with the fatality of tuberculosis, relocated to the Himalayas in search of fresh air. Remarkably, he survived and is believed to have successfully fought off Mycobacterium tuberculosis in that less favorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, numerous nursing homes emerged across Europe and the United States, including specialized facilities for tuberculosis care and luxury accommodations for the affluent. However, by the 1940s, many of these nursing homes began closing due to the emergence of antibiotics, which drastically changed their economic viability. Throughout history, it seems that economic value often proves transient. - Joseph’s “j...

Just my thoughts #0185

Consider your state before speaking. This is because, no matter how much you consider others first, you will inevitably experience distortions in communication. As a result, the efficiency of delivering the truth is significantly reduced. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0154

The lower the trust, the higher the economic and relationship costs. If performance is low beyond costs, efficiency is reduced. Trust is the most important asset in all areas where human intervention involves value. Higher trust increases the efficiency of the money use. Some people get high satisfaction even if they spend the same amount of money, but others get complaints. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that all money is the same. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0117

Management is all about maximizing productivity in a limited amount of time. There are limits to what can be achieved regarding time and productivity gains. Let me be clear: increasing efficiency to improve productivity is not a significant factor in building wealth. The best way to build wealth is to choose and implement a higher value-added job. In other words, management is a matter of choice before effort. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0113

Focus on quantity over quality. This will eventually improve quality through quantity. To find the most infected people quickly, you can mix several samples at once and test them many times. What if it mixes? That's okay. You're looking for positives, not negatives, so there will be more negatives in the sample, and if you get positives, you only need to retest the positive group. To increase efficiency, you need to understand the opposite background beyond the target and approach it in terms of quantity rather than quality. This will ultimately improve quality. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”