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Showing posts with the label discovery

Just my thoughts #0275

Both arrogance and humility can contribute to our success. While humility is not the sole key to achievement, it enables a connection with someone who genuinely cares. That individual may represent everything I need in life. Ultimately, success can be seen as cultivating a deep bond with the person who truly loves you. If you can nurture multiple meaningful relationships throughout your journey, beyond that loving individual, you should regard yourself as blessed with humility. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0265

When the caterpillar believed its journey was at an end, it transformed into a beautiful butterfly. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the shell you need to shed and think it marks the end of everything you know. But change is really about embracing new beginnings and discovering a fresh perspective! Although changing ourselves can be daunting and even a little painful, it’s also a chance for growth. The caterpillar that struggles with what to let go of isn’t foolish; it’s simply on a journey of discovery. So, before you stress about your next steps, why not take a moment to reflect on what your shell represents? - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0235

I believe that humans’ key activities are discovery and imagination. Humans grow through thought, which involves gathering information from the exploration of nature and society and organizing it meaningfully. Progress occurs when we connect with and apply this information beyond its immediate relevance, and this process of connection is termed imagination. Discovery serves as the foundational material for imagination, while imagination generates new outcomes through application, leading to development. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”