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Showing posts with the label cook

Just my thoughts #0237

Online sales have surpassed offline sales as a result of the global pandemic. Nowadays, people are purchasing signals instead of tangible items. The online environment is a web of signals. If the signal presented by the interface is not trustworthy, purchasing is not possible. For a long time, stocks have been traded based on signals that represent rights without requiring physical stock certificates. The same principle applies to gold. The challenge arises because both the tangible item and the signal react based on their value, but human greed leads to an oversupply of signals. This happens because creating a signal is much simpler than producing the actual item. The fundamental issue is that the signal serves as a representation of the tangible item. When there are more signals than tangible items, this discrepancy is termed a “bubble.” In offline contexts, signals are known as “cash.” Essentially, money is just a signal, and “trust” is crucial for believing in that signal. - Joseph...

Just my thoughts #0226

A cook’s genuine passion for food reflects the value and quality of their creations. Even when the taste is terrible, the cook’s heartfelt effort might still elicit a belief that the food is healthy. Traditionally, this might have made sense, but from a scientific standpoint, it is absurd. Despite knowing proven cooking methods, many chefs continue to rely on their instincts, often without questioning their approaches. Few chefs actually consider the trustworthy resource of food quality, fearing that acknowledging this might label them as inferior chefs. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”