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Showing posts with the label brains

Just my thoughts #0261

One hundred seventy years ago, tuberculosis was a lethal disease. This illness posed a significant threat to humanity, resulting in an estimated 1 billion deaths between 1700 and 1900. Notably, traces of tuberculosis have been found in the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings. In the late 1840s, German botanist Hermann Brehmer, confronted with the fatality of tuberculosis, relocated to the Himalayas in search of fresh air. Remarkably, he survived and is believed to have successfully fought off Mycobacterium tuberculosis in that less favorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, numerous nursing homes emerged across Europe and the United States, including specialized facilities for tuberculosis care and luxury accommodations for the affluent. However, by the 1940s, many of these nursing homes began closing due to the emergence of antibiotics, which drastically changed their economic viability. Throughout history, it seems that economic value often proves transient. - Joseph’s “j...

Just my thoughts #0232

When we walk, our bodies follow an implicit exercise plan for that movement. This means that all the sensations experienced while walking, starting from the feeling in the soles of our feet, are pre-programmed into this walking plan. Consequently, the brain’s awareness does not expend energy tracking our movements. It operates as a very efficient system. If a sensory signal arises that deviates from this original plan, the brain quickly adjusts by updating the walking plan almost instantaneously. For instance, if you suddenly trip over a stone, this mechanism kicks in. Imagine the fatigue we would experience if our consciousness had to focus on regulating our motor skills with every single step! All of nature evolves toward greater efficiency.     - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0193

Speaking negatively to others stems from my discomfort. Positive language fosters respect and happiness in relationships. This isn’t merely due to the “power of positivity”; it’s how our brains have evolved to interpret it. When asked, “Why don’t you study?” the negative framing prompts the brain to release cortisol, which ramps up stress. Consequently, the brain associates “studying” with unpleasantness. Conversely, if you say, “I appreciate your studying even while you play,” the message shifts. Parents shape children; husbands influence wives, and wives impact husbands. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0091

I've been writing every single day for three years. I also studied to find a way to write well. Then I saw the only way for my writing to improve. It was not a technique. It wasn't even an empathic piece. It was my writing fixed over and over again. The human brains improve with repetition. Anything secret key couldn't have been more helpful. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”