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Showing posts with the label benefit

Just my thoughts #0261

One hundred seventy years ago, tuberculosis was a lethal disease. This illness posed a significant threat to humanity, resulting in an estimated 1 billion deaths between 1700 and 1900. Notably, traces of tuberculosis have been found in the mummies of ancient Egyptian kings. In the late 1840s, German botanist Hermann Brehmer, confronted with the fatality of tuberculosis, relocated to the Himalayas in search of fresh air. Remarkably, he survived and is believed to have successfully fought off Mycobacterium tuberculosis in that less favorable environment for bacterial growth. As a result, numerous nursing homes emerged across Europe and the United States, including specialized facilities for tuberculosis care and luxury accommodations for the affluent. However, by the 1940s, many of these nursing homes began closing due to the emergence of antibiotics, which drastically changed their economic viability. Throughout history, it seems that economic value often proves transient. - Joseph’s “j...

Just my thoughts #0077

In wealth, the first is value exchange and the second is added value. "Value exchange" occurs when "need (demand)" comes first. Making and exchanging bread with wheat is a value exchange. The price of bread is higher than the price of wheat grain. The price difference is value added. For value-added to occur, "benefit" must be provided. To provide this "benefit", you have to incur costs and expenses. This is called investment. In other words, the value added is the result of the investment, the surplus is subtracting the costs and expenses from the supply price. You can calculate the value added to make a profit if you first know your investment condition and its amount. "Wealth" only occurs when "value-added" is accumulated. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0027

In the USA, even in one country, the time difference between the west and the east is 3 hours. People thought that time was a natural thing. But it is not. It's very political. The time that man lives in a unit of minutes is too short. However, since the invention of the steam locomotive, the appearance of faster vehicles made crazy changes to the concept of time. The shift in distance made people realize what time was. Sandford Fleming, an engineer and inventor, asked to unify the time difference caused by long-distance transportation, but people rejected his request. If the boarding time were not fixed, the railroad would be useless. The history of the 24-hour clock was made only about 140 years ago. Even with the invention of high technology, if nothing is consensus, nothing benefits. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0011

On the economic front, a relationship that believes in each other is much more beneficial than an untrustworthy relationship. Disbelief results in inefficiency and leads to increased costs. Nevertheless, most of us choose to be distrustful because our experiences of loss from betraying after we have trusted someone are clearly visible and the benefits of cost savings by trusting someone are invisible. My attitude toward the world determines my actions, in our distorted experience, we regret and conflict daily. Even though we know it's a loss, we continue to cling to our foolish choices. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"