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Showing posts with the label alcohol

Just my thoughts #0170

The Japanese restaurant “Hyakushokuya” doesn't hire passionate people. The first recruiter was someone who left out his resume. There are only three menus, and only 100 bowls are sold daily. It's simple, so you learn things in a week even if you're not an expert. Still, the average daily revenue is 130,000 yen. The book's title published by founder “Akemi Nakamura” is “Let's Reduce Sales.” Against performance-oriented management policies. They want reasonable management activities suitable for fractions without overdoing it. However, it was the best-selling company during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0044

Wine contains "polyphenols," which are antioxidants, but it also includes ethyl alcohol, which is a Class 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organization. Wine sellers emphasize "polyphenols" for their benefit. Nutritional supplements, such as vitamins, are marketed by highlighting their benefits. The explanation is very appealing. But let's look at it this way. We'd laugh if the function of a car were redundantly described as "saving people from heart disease," "promoting tourism," or "robbing banks" instead of simply "moving people around quickly".  Beyond the idea of trying to sell something unreasonable with all sorts of health claims without knowing exactly what they are, there is the hidden deception of fooling others or being fooled by oneself, and greed. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”