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Showing posts with the label God's domain

Just my thoughts #0273

The greater the mountain, the less we consider its height due to its overall size. It’s not merely the height or depth that defines a significant mountain; rather, it’s the climate. A mountain that experiences changing weather patterns is indeed greater. Similarly, the greater a person is, the broader and more diverse their capacity for change, which should not be taken lightly. We must refrain from judging those individuals with our imperfect cognitive abilities. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0014

Japanese actor and filmmaker Takeshi Kitano said this about Effort. "Effort is like a lottery ticket. If you buy it, you might win, but if you don't buy it, you'll never win." Effort is not about maximizing your probability of success; it's a behavior that ensures a minimum probability of success. There's certainly no guarantee that you'll succeed, but if you don't put in the effort, you'll miss out on the opportunities that come with that minimum probability. Probability always brings doubt about the outcome of our efforts and creates conflict in continuing our challenges and actions. However, the world of probability is the realm of God, where human effort cannot intervene, so we should not attach value to the outcome of our efforts, even if the outcome is success or failure. Therefore, nothing is meaningful disappointment or attachment for us, and we can only be slightly happy if our attitude toward the outcome is value-neutral. Even in the worl...