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Showing posts with the label Apple

Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0060

We remember Apple founder Steve Jobs as a strong leader with a stubborn streak and charisma, but he also consistently upheld the company's core values as its leader. While developing the iPhone 4, Jobs wanted to incorporate solar charging. Still, Apple's engineers disagreed, arguing that the technology at the time, would make the iPhone thicker than previous models and compromise the company's core value of simplicity. When confronted, Jobs gave up to stand his ground and listened to the engineers. The most important thing about leadership is not charismatic authority, but defining the company's core values and complying with them, even a highest-level officer. It's not a matter of power, but of defining core values and ensuring that everyone in the company has common interests in their meaning and that this understanding is shared internally. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0058

It's a simple calculation. No matter how unstable the economy, residential real estate prices are unlikely to increase tenfold in a decade. But it's quite possible for the stock of Apple, Amazon, or Google to increase tenfold in that time. That's because they're organizations that continue to create value-added. It's very easy to make better investment judgments and decisions, but our instinct to seek stability can lead us astray. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”