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Just my thoughts #0275

Both arrogance and humility can contribute to our success. While humility is not the sole key to achievement, it enables a connection with someone who genuinely cares. That individual may represent everything I need in life. Ultimately, success can be seen as cultivating a deep bond with the person who truly loves you. If you can nurture multiple meaningful relationships throughout your journey, beyond that loving individual, you should regard yourself as blessed with humility. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0269

Some individuals take the easier route instead of engaging in laborious tasks. It can be frustrating, but often there are clear reasons behind these unreasonable circumstances. In such cases, it’s tough to change the individual because they are embedded in an irrational structure. The issue lies not in the personality itself but in this structure. Changing the structure can lead to changes in personality. In reality, personality remains the same; it simply holds different significance within the context of the structure.

- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”


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