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Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0110

“Bian Que” is a doctor of ancient China. He met “Duke Huan”, the king of the country “Cai”, and asked, “You have a serious disease, but it is better if I only treat your skin”. Then “Duke Huan” thought that “Bian Que” was trying to cheat the skin disease to make money with the serious disease, and refused his treatment. Every 10 days, Bian Que went to give advice, but Duke Huan, who refused to treat the disease, eventually died. However, King Wen of Wei came to Bian Que and asked. “I've heard that your three brothers are all doctors, but which one is the best?” “The big brother is the best because he cures it with medicine before the disease is revealed, and the second brother is excellent because he uses acupuncture when the disease is small, and then I'm the third of them because I do surgical operations on the serious disease after it is revealed,” he replied. The king asked again. “Then who is the richest?” Bian Que also answered. “My big brother heals the disease without any knowledge, no one knows about it, so he can't make any money, and my second brother is normal because he only takes a small amount of money, and then I have a lot of money to treat serious diseases.” When confronted with the same person, some people increase their sickness, while others gain wisdom.

- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”


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