Painting is media and power. The mural in the medieval cathedral was considered for the illiterate who could not read the Bible. Only priests had access to type information. This was power. The Reformation weakened this power. New media changes the power. It creates power or moves. Our daily lives exist in this power. Writing, photography, and graphics still influence power. If you need help understanding the power change or shift, you do half art and half business. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
If a baseball player is given chances to keep batting without a count-out, then a super batter will probably come out. If the batter doesn't quit on the batting, he is likely to be a super batter. By the way, life is not three strikes out. If you're okay with that, you can keep bat at bat. "Continuity" is critical when challenging something. The only problem is that you cannot know the moment of success. So to maintain persistence, how much I desire and love it is more important. How well you do is the next question.
- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
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