Painting is media and power. The mural in the medieval cathedral was considered for the illiterate who could not read the Bible. Only priests had access to type information. This was power. The Reformation weakened this power. New media changes the power. It creates power or moves. Our daily lives exist in this power. Writing, photography, and graphics still influence power. If you need help understanding the power change or shift, you do half art and half business. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
The key concept in creating wealth is the accumulation of assets. "Asset" means all the resources, that can be used for production activities. If assets don't increase, it's not a business. To create value, you have to produce something. The labor, materials, and facilities for production all come from assets. Insufficient assets are borrowed from others, it is called debt. The value added belongs back to the asset. Assets are a source of wealth and a measure of wealth.
- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
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