Painting is media and power. The mural in the medieval cathedral was considered for the illiterate who could not read the Bible. Only priests had access to type information. This was power. The Reformation weakened this power. New media changes the power. It creates power or moves. Our daily lives exist in this power. Writing, photography, and graphics still influence power. If you need help understanding the power change or shift, you do half art and half business. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
One of the easiest businesses in the world is the sale of fear. Fear is closely tied to how we survive, but safety is an emotion that comes after survival. Therefore, avoiding fear is prioritized over staying safe. Hence, many entrepreneurs are easily tempted to fear-market "OOO FREE". In other words, "OOO FREE" means "maybe someone else has it" instead of "I don't have it," and the conclusion is that this conduct sows fear in the public.
- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
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