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Showing posts from July, 2024

Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0055

The most difficult clients to consult are those who are simultaneously greedy and fearful. They don't take action because they strongly believe in their ideas, but on the other hand, they are overwhelmed by fear and don't trust the consultant's advice. It's a very exhausting life. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0054

Rice has been the staple crop of the East, while wheat has been the staple of the West. Rice requires more water to produce than wheat. Rice farmers had to contend with the availability of water, which favored collective farming. Wheat could be grown with less labor than rice. Rice farmers lived collectively, while wheat farmers lived individually. Collective agriculture led to the development of societies that were governed by village rules. On the other hand, individual agriculture led to cultures that valued personal freedom and respect for individuality over communal rules. Patterns of agriculture have indisputably influenced social structure and culture. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0053

In 2019, the coffee shop franchise Banapresso had 47 branches in Seoul, 35 of which were concentrated in the Gangnam and Seocho districts. There were even other Banapresso stores within 200 meters of each other. It was denser than Starbucks. 100% of orders were placed through kiosks and mobile apps. The elders thought it would be hard to place an unattended order, but when they tried it, they were impressed with how seamlessly they were connected to the register. An Americano costs KRW 1,500 (about USD 1.27). There was only one employee. Everything was ordered at the touch of a button and the coffee was served within 40 seconds. All the bread was made at a nearby headquarters and distributed in batches. Banapresso was the antithesis of a traditional coffee franchise. Its parent company is an IT company that operates a ride-hailing app. The same business can be completely transformed into a different business model, due to the interpretation and context. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0052

In addition to the humanities, the natural sciences are very helpful in business and management. While the humanities provide human-centered insights, the natural sciences offer as neutral a view of the world as possible. Without the perspective of the world, we can't know the world. Biology gives us an understanding of how organizations and ecosystems work. Physics provides us with a comprehension of the nature of space, the nature of time, and the dynamics of relationships. Knowledge expands the world as we know it. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0051

It's dirty, but viscosity is the difference between tears and a runny nose. Viscosity is also the difference between saliva and sputum. Even for the same fluid, viscosity alone can make a difference in how people perceive hygiene. Viscosity is one of the few properties that can affect human emotions. It can revolutionize how we do business by changing how we look at it. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0050

Laziness is the inability to prioritize work. It's an attitude about self-worth. It's not a moral issue of putting off work that needs to be done or a speed issue of slowing down the work process. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0049

The "normal human body temperature = 37°C" standard was established in 1851 by the German medical doctor "Carl Reinhold August Wunderlich", who took millions of temperature readings from about 25,000 people and reported "36.2°C to 37.5°C". However, surveys in the United States in 1992 and the United Kingdom in 2017 found 36.8°C and 36.6°C, respectively. So in the past people deemed that the discrepancy was due to errors in old measuring equipment or methods. But Julie Parsonnet and her colleagues at Stanford University's School of Infectious Disease Epidemiology found a common thread in the temperature databases: People are cooler now than they were then. It wasn't just a measurement error. They speculated that medical advances had reduced inflammation and lowered the average temperature. We don't question the obvious. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0048

Companies that experience growth stagnation have a loss of customer-centricity. Customer-centricity doesn't mean giving in to every customer request. Still, it does mean putting the customer's perspective, rather than the company's leaders or organization, first when making important business decisions. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0047

The reason that unboxing videos are so popular on YouTube is that consumers trust them. Consumers trust them to be on the side of the buyer, not the seller. Unboxing storytelling starts with the box and shows the product after it has been unpacked. It is entirely from the buyer's point of view. Sellers, on the other hand, want to show the product first. In the online world, being on consumers' side is more trustworthy than being honest and accurate - but that doesn't mean it's less important. If you need to earn trust, you should prove that you're on the customers' side. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0046

The reorientation and expansion of a business should be planned and decided in terms of customer synergies, not company synergies. It may be more successful to offer a customer who buys apple jam an extra slice of bread to spread it on than to provide a customer who buys apple jam an extra jar of peach jam. It's easier for the jam seller to give away an extra jar of jam, but for the customer, the bread is more valuable than the jam. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0045

We all know that seeing your business through the eyes of your customers increases your chances of success. But most of us mistakenly think we're seeing it from the customer's perspective while we see it as a supplier rather than a customer. Uber and Airbnb executives regularly use their services as customers. Try getting your family to buy your product or service. The more non-face-to-face the transaction, the more detailed the information the customers have about the sellers. If not about the product information, at least about the purchasing information. It doesn't matter how good your product is if they don't buy it, that's it! - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0044

Wine contains "polyphenols," which are antioxidants, but it also includes ethyl alcohol, which is a Class 1 carcinogen according to the World Health Organization. Wine sellers emphasize "polyphenols" for their benefit. Nutritional supplements, such as vitamins, are marketed by highlighting their benefits. The explanation is very appealing. But let's look at it this way. We'd laugh if the function of a car were redundantly described as "saving people from heart disease," "promoting tourism," or "robbing banks" instead of simply "moving people around quickly".  Beyond the idea of trying to sell something unreasonable with all sorts of health claims without knowing exactly what they are, there is the hidden deception of fooling others or being fooled by oneself, and greed. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0043

If a New Zealand fisherman catches a seabream in New Zealand, he makes a profit of $9 per kilogram, but if a tourist catches it, $88 goes back to New Zealand. This is because to fish a seabream, the tourist has to spend money on flights, hotels, and all sorts of rentals. The opportunity cost and value-added will change as B2B becomes B2C. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0042

Good design balances "form follows function" and "function follows form. An example of a design where form follows function is an airplane. An example of a design where function follows form is a doorknob on one side of a sliding door that opens only in one direction. It doesn't matter which came first, the chicken or the egg. The more you understand the technology, the better the design will be. With their many features, smartphones have simplified their form with touchscreen functionality. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0041

After the Human Genome Project mapped our DNA, we discovered that gene expression and activation patterns can be altered and passed on to future generations without changes in sequence, a phenomenon known as epigenetics. This means that even identical twins, whose genetic information is almost 100% exact, will have different gene activation patterns based on their environment and experiences and pass on their traits to the next generation. A typical phenomenon is methylation (CH3), which is the addition of one carbon and three hydrogens to CpGs in mammalian sequences. Depending on this methylation, although someone inherits the same gene sequence, certain genetic traits can be activated or deactivated. It is also believed that a unique upbringing or education in life influences this phenomenon. Of course, as with any scientific phenomenon or technology, the cause or effect may change over time, but if there's a lesson to be learned, this is one of the most important reasons not to

Just my thoughts #0040

The Japan Airlines that no one thought would ever recover. It was the biggest corporate bankruptcy in Japan. When Kyocera Group Chairman Emeritus Kazuo Inamori took the helm to save Japan Airlines, his priority was to reform the mindset of the employees. Whenever he could, he gathered all employees for lectures on mental reform, and executives were required to attend a separate lecture on mental reform given by Kazuo Inamori every Thursday without exception. The employees' frustration was palpable, but the company returned to the stock market after two years and eight months. There is no magic in running a company. Attitude and mindset are everything. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0039

The Anchoring Heuristic In 1974, Tversky and Kahneman divided two groups and asked one group to calculate the value of "8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1" and the other group to answer the question "1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8" immediately. The average calculation result of the first group was 2,250, and that of the second group was 512. For both groups, the original answer is 40,320, which is the same. Although they multiplied by the same number, the first group multiplied by the order of the larger number, resulting in a higher baseline adjustment, while the second group did the opposite. When we judge and make decisions, the reference point determines the extent and direction of our illusion. When we live, we have to deal with these fallible human beings. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0038

When you bleed, the blood comes into contact with the air, it changes from a liquid to a jelly, and then from a jelly to a solid scab. This inherent property of a substance is called its "physical property". If the properties of blood do not change from liquid to jelly and then to solid, people will die from excessive bleeding to death. Thus, physical properties are quite important to our life phenomena. The properties are almost everything in the business of food and chemical products. We can do our business although without an understanding of the properties. But if we cannot understand, or do overlook them, even a coffee shop can't expect to win the competition. So start by understanding the properties. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0037

Facts and fake news coexist on social media. So do claims and counterclaims. In theory, the new communication tools of social media give them equal opportunities to express themselves. It's a communication environment, unlike anything humanity has ever known. A great way to make your voice heard in this environment is to state your beliefs and connect with the people who support those beliefs through social media. Social media will connect you with sympathetic people, no matter how illogical or unpersuasive your beliefs. Traditional media can't structurally accommodate this mechanism, but it's a reality. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0036

The poorer persons are, the more likely they are to consider the system they are in, not their abilities or character. The poor are more likely to choose to live in ways that make them poorer. It's not because they're stupid, it's because the system they're in leads them to make those choices. Rutker Bregman, a Dutch historian and author, says that everyone is forced to make such decisions when they are placed in this environment. The way out of this system is to change your worldview. Poverty is a state of being, not an outcome. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0035

In his book Rhetoric, Aristotle identifies three conditions for the persuasion of people: ethos, pathos, and logos. Simply put, ethos is the inherent character of the persuader. Pathos is the emotional state of the persuadee, and logos is the logic of the persuader. The order of importance is ethos, pathos, and logos. If you want to be an influencer, define your identity, nurture yourself, and listen to your reputation, which is 60% and the psychological state of the listener is 30%. Therefore, who and what you are is the most important thing, and the timing synchronized with the psychological state of the persuadee is the second. However, the inferior people are more obsessed with logic and are more convinced. They define people and judge the world based on whether someone is right or wrong. Then they will continue to live a life of 10% inferiors. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0034

In mathematics, a "recursive proposition" is a proposition whose true or false value is fed back into the proposition itself. For example, "I can never allow this to happen before I die!" is a recursive proposition. Unfortunately, the condition for proving that this is possible is that I die. The problem is that you are dead once, you can not be longer the person who gives permission. This phenomenon also occurs in the investment business. The most common example of this is an investment in stocks. This is a recursive proposition because if the price of a stock goes up and you sell it, the sales volume directly affects the price. Therefore, the number of shares (trading volume) is one of the most important factors to be considerable when investing in stocks. This property of recursive propositions is a good explanation for why the large trading of stock volumes is difficult to work. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0033

If I'm trying to sell you a product, it's proof that I don't understand marketing and branding. Marketing and branding were never invented to sell, but these things were born so that the product could be sold in the first place. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0032

Love may appear as a sacrifice, but the sacrifice is not love. This is because we must determine whether there is a price behind the sacrifice. Doing good and right doesn't mean you don't get hurt. I get hurt because I'm alive. Therefore, to be afraid of being hurt or to avoid being hurt is the most cowardly act in life. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0031

The 'Bregenz Festival' opens every summer season in Bregenz, Austria. Although a population of 20,000 this is a small town, 250,000 visitors come here for a month, and the economic effect is perhaps 150 million euros. The site of this festival combines a stunning landscape surrounded by the 3rd largest lake in Europe 'Bodensee' and the Alps with cultural goods such as an opera and exhibitions. The best part is the floating opera stage set up on the lake. The annual opera stage stirs curiosity all over Austria. There are many reasons to go to Bregenz only to see the stage. The opera stage, which changes every year and is built on a beautiful lake, is the only one in the world. Whether it is tourism or business, there must be a reason, "Why come here, or why do business with you." - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0030

Questions. Who is the biggest threat to GM? 1. Hyundai Motor 2. Tesla 3. Google 4. Consumer Well, how about this? 1. Which gasoline car should I buy? (Competitor: Hyundai Motor) 2. Should I buy an electric car or a gasoline car? (Competitor: Tesla) 3. Should I buy an autonomous car? (Competitor: Google Waymo) 4. Should I buy a car? (Destroyer: Consumer) In this context, the biggest threat to GM is a shared car service company like Uber. Innovative technologies trigger market change, but business models are ultimately the most creative and disruptive. Innovative technology comes next. The biggest causes of business problems are business models first, and the second is business models too. In other words, the key to success is the same. The original business model has to change and evolve. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0029

You probably think that your ability can determine your competitiveness. So you might think that ability should be important in professions. Then think about it. When you're working, if there's a person next to you who has the best ability, you might give up your job for that person. The essence of occupation is competition and ignorance. These two properties will tell you that there is still something to challenge and achieve in your life. But if you acknowledge reality accurately, you will wander your way. If you consider more, you will realize that the driving forces of challenge and achievement have belonged to the "ignorance of competition." - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0028

For the security of the Internet service, we have been asked by the Internet service companies to set the password combined by more than 8 or 10 "uppercase letter+lowercase letter+number+special character". But it was obviously of no use. This security guideline was recommended by Bill Burr who worked at NIST in the USA, he suggested this way in his report. Furthermore, the user was required to change the initial password set regularly. Despite this measure, the best way of security to protect users' accounts was the notification of the alarm for attempted hacking when the hacker tried. We have only tried to change the keys despite the simple method meanwhile. Today, the world has begun to comprehend that the security problem is not encryption or confidentiality, but simply cyber-dominion control and communication. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0027

In the USA, even in one country, the time difference between the west and the east is 3 hours. People thought that time was a natural thing. But it is not. It's very political. The time that man lives in a unit of minutes is too short. However, since the invention of the steam locomotive, the appearance of faster vehicles made crazy changes to the concept of time. The shift in distance made people realize what time was. Sandford Fleming, an engineer and inventor, asked to unify the time difference caused by long-distance transportation, but people rejected his request. If the boarding time were not fixed, the railroad would be useless. The history of the 24-hour clock was made only about 140 years ago. Even with the invention of high technology, if nothing is consensus, nothing benefits. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0026

Starbucks Korea sells a 355ml tall size cup of Americano at KRW 4,500. It contains 3.5% solid matter to at least manifest tastes and flavors. The rest is just WATER. We should simultaneously drink 96.5% of the water to get just a few 3.5% together. The average production cost of 1ml of tap water in Seoul is KRW 0.00051. That's the same as paying about KRW 4,000 for a cup of tap water of about 350ml. We would think of how much we make money by selling coffee, but it's our misunderstanding. As an excuse for a few solid matters of "coffee", they're selling tap water at the unbelievable price of over KRW 4,000. They're making money with the cheapest solvent 'WATER', not 'COFFEE'. But almost all businessmen are trying to sell the solid matters of 3.5% at a high price. The reason, businessmen cannot make money is they make the wrong selection which cannot make money since the beginning. The making structure is first, and the effort is second. - Josep

Just my thoughts #0025

Human beings don't know the substance of time. The time we know is only a sign expressed mathematically and astronomically by the machine "clock." Human life under the minute-unit system began when human beings lived with a comparatively precise machine. Before the Industrial Revolution, a concept of time naturally followed the ordinary way of life. When a promise was made, the condition was, "Let's meet before dinner." Therefore, there was a rare case of people angrily going outside because the counterparty was 10 minutes late. The framework that the human being makes, makes the human being again. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"