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Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0021

Economic activity must accompany a counterparty. Since people couldn't live alone anyway, they exchanged whatever goods met their needs, and as a result, an "economic system" was created. The standard of exchange is called "value" and the numerical representation of it is called "price. "Value" and "price" certainly do not necessarily match, and one of the main reasons is "competition. In the end, value is exchanged for price. Values are offered at the pricing initially presented by others or at a provider's insistence that wants to earn profit at first. If only the offered price is recognized by others, the recognized price is accepted as its determined value. The price of one's wage agreed upon with another is the real price of one. All other evaluations and recognitions except the above are only self-justifications and excuses.

- Joseph’s “just my thoughts”


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