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Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0012

The "problem" does not suddenly appear, but as a result of accumulating some serial accidents for a long time, this is the essence of the problem. However, the person who wants to solve the problem seeks to clarify it with just one stroke. That's egoism and contradiction. Such a person likes to listen to someone else's ear candy or wants to eat a piece of cake in someone else's greedy mouth. And because the person pours out the accusations and grumblings from the mouth, good people leave the side of this person. The stubbornness of staying unchangeable and comfortable makes greed easier than what is to be coveted something.

- Joseph's "just my thoughts"


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