"Apples are the fruit" is a true proposition. At this time, "apples" are a Sufficient Condition to be fruit, and vice versa, because the "fruit to be an apple is more necessary for other conditions such as "red, round", the fruit is a Necessary Condition to become an apple. If the proposition of "If you respect someone, you'll get married" is "true," it's a "Sufficient Condition" to find someone you admire for marriage, but it's just only a "Necessary Condition" to find someone to marry for respect. Even with respect, you can not get married. You can't get married even if the Reverse Proposition is "true." Because marriage is a matter of "choice" before conditions or needs. If you want a respectable man, you can find a great man. To live comfortably, you can find a rich man. So, is there no Necessary-Sufficient Proposition for a marriage (conditions where both the proposition and counterfactual are true)? It may be possible if there is anyone who can accept a hard life with him or her for the rest of our lives.
- Joseph's "just my thoughts"
The Anchoring Heuristic In 1974, Tversky and Kahneman divided two groups and asked one group to calculate the value of "8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1" and the other group to answer the question "1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8" immediately. The average calculation result of the first group was 2,250, and that of the second group was 512. For both groups, the original answer is 40,320, which is the same. Although they multiplied by the same number, the first group multiplied by the order of the larger number, resulting in a higher baseline adjustment, while the second group did the opposite. When we judge and make decisions, the reference point determines the extent and direction of our illusion. When we live, we have to deal with these fallible human beings. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"
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