Painting is media and power. The mural in the medieval cathedral was considered for the illiterate who could not read the Bible. Only priests had access to type information. This was power. The Reformation weakened this power. New media changes the power. It creates power or moves. Our daily lives exist in this power. Writing, photography, and graphics still influence power. If you need help understanding the power change or shift, you do half art and half business. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”
Knowing and doing are two very different things. Zhuge Liang, an incomparable genius who was a Chinese prime minister of the Three Kingdoms, knew the deep secret of nature. However, he suffered a great defeat in the most important battle because he wrongly appointed Ma Su as his subordinate general, even though he knew him well and had received a warning about his appointment from the late king. Personnel management is the most difficult thing in the world, and to manage it well is the key to success.
- Joseph's "just my thoughts"
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