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Just my thoughts #0139

There is no way to make time. Eventually, humans face the problem of giving up something without exception. Slack is the price of giving up. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0024

Time is a religious and political concept. In the history of mankind, the church first controlled time and later by the government. The church's bell tower and the city hall's clock tower are proof of this. A person who rules over time is a ruler and a true authority. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0023

History professor Yuval Noah Harari said, "The most distinguishing feature between humans and other animals is the ability to believe not exist imagination." If you eat a banana exchanged with a bill from the chimpanzee, then the chimpanzee must be angry with you. The bill is just a thing to believe non-existent imagination each other in the human world, it's never important and meaningful for the chimpanzee. Unless the belief is to exchange the value, the money is just paper. This belief makes our social community. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0022

The essence of cubism is to get rid of the viewpoints of the object. Cubism shows us the inside and outside, top and bottom, front and back of the object simultaneously with 2D reorientation, as a result, the observer's viewpoints disappear altogether. Finally, cubism makes us see the whole of the object. If you want to see the real world, throw away your viewpoints completely. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0021

Economic activity must accompany a counterparty. Since people couldn't live alone anyway, they exchanged whatever goods met their needs, and as a result, an "economic system" was created. The standard of exchange is called "value" and the numerical representation of it is called "price. "Value" and "price" certainly do not necessarily match, and one of the main reasons is "competition. In the end, value is exchanged for price. Values are offered at the pricing initially presented by others or at a provider's insistence that wants to earn profit at first. If only the offered price is recognized by others, the recognized price is accepted as its determined value. The price of one's wage agreed upon with another is the real price of one. All other evaluations and recognitions except the above are only self-justifications and excuses. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0020

One of the most important essentials of business is cognitive dissonance resolution. When researching who watches the Ford Motor Company commercials the most, the results are not potential customers but purchased customers. They want to confirm that their decisions were right or to receive continuous support after their purchases. Because we can never go back to the past, getting confirmation and support from someone makes us easy and comfortable beyond our regrets. So the company's strategy should focus on repurchasing the existing customers, not the new ones. In many business cases, businessmen should avoid assumptions or predictions. We shouldn't run a business depending on our thoughts only. - Joseph's "just my thoughts

Just my thoughts #0019

A lifetime of tuna is about 10 years. They don't have any muscles to suck the water up and constantly have to be moving their bodies to breathe in the water. So, they can not be sleeping or resting a lifetime of tuna. Even going to sleep, tuna must keep on moving in a sleep-like state until their deaths, if they stop moving, they will be dead soon. According to the attribution, tuna can swim in water at over 100 km/h speed, they need so many other fishes as foods to supply the wasted energy for this fact. The tuna is paid for the huge price of becoming a top-rated predator. But I'm not a top predator, so why do I eat so much? - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0018

It's not a generation, it's a world. The older generation thinks that Gen MZ is a different generation, but when you look deeper, you realize that the world has changed, not the generation. The older generation thinks that the offline world is more experiential and tangible, and the MZ generation is more familiar with the online world, so they regard it as a non-experiential generation because they are more indirect in human relationships and understand the offline world mainly through information. However, try going to an online shopping mall site. Suppose you want to choose clothes on a fashion site. In that case, there is nothing more real and experiential shopping than others, because not only do they display detailed fabric information and sizes, but they also have good photos of the information you can see, and even reviews from users who have already bought it. Who can do detailed and specific shopping in an offline shopping mall like this? In fact, the electronic world

Just my thoughts #0017

Originally, the Louis Vuitton suitcase had no wheels. The ancient journey was the exclusive possession of the nobility and the rich. It was hard to go alone because there was a lot of luggage to travel with, so it was usually possible for people who could handle servants. Therefore, there was no need for wheels in the bag then. Popularized travel is a product of the late 20th century. When we look at the wheel of a suitcase, we have to be able to look at history and class together. And we should be able to see the essence of luxury goods. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0016

Before the high level of civilization, human life was tribal. However human beings were needed for the large-scale labor force for industrialization, so people were gathering in the cities for a living. That was the detribalization. These days when we are developed by social media, people are used to selectively make a relationship with those who have similar philosophies and preferences. Rather, the new media makes the retribalization in different meanings. Therefore, now human relationships are becoming more important the interests and preferences. When choosing to make a relationship, people gather according to their preferences. Communication is narrower and more easily ostracized. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0015

Humans probably may use less than 5% of the function of a human brain in their intention. If easily these senses of pleasure, hallucination, or pain can be used or our intentions control memory circuits, human beings will be destroyed themselves. It’s very great luck to be uncontrollable at our discretion. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0014

Japanese actor and filmmaker Takeshi Kitano said this about Effort. "Effort is like a lottery ticket. If you buy it, you might win, but if you don't buy it, you'll never win." Effort is not about maximizing your probability of success; it's a behavior that ensures a minimum probability of success. There's certainly no guarantee that you'll succeed, but if you don't put in the effort, you'll miss out on the opportunities that come with that minimum probability. Probability always brings doubt about the outcome of our efforts and creates conflict in continuing our challenges and actions. However, the world of probability is the realm of God, where human effort cannot intervene, so we should not attach value to the outcome of our efforts, even if the outcome is success or failure. Therefore, nothing is meaningful disappointment or attachment for us, and we can only be slightly happy if our attitude toward the outcome is value-neutral. Even in the worl

Just my thoughts #0013

If our daily diligence is repeated and accumulated, there is a huge difference between doing and not doing. If 0.99% of my effort and 0.01% of luck, achievement by the effort will be prominent, but also we cannot ignore the result with the achievement taken from luck. There are so many reasons that we must be modest after achieving our goals. Even so small and trivial, continuously repeating our diligence day by day, our lives should be changed. - Joseph’s “just my thoughts”

Just my thoughts #0012

The "problem" does not suddenly appear, but as a result of accumulating some serial accidents for a long time, this is the essence of the problem. However, the person who wants to solve the problem seeks to clarify it with just one stroke. That's egoism and contradiction. Such a person likes to listen to someone else's ear candy or wants to eat a piece of cake in someone else's greedy mouth. And because the person pours out the accusations and grumblings from the mouth, good people leave the side of this person. The stubbornness of staying unchangeable and comfortable makes greed easier than what is to be coveted something. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0011

On the economic front, a relationship that believes in each other is much more beneficial than an untrustworthy relationship. Disbelief results in inefficiency and leads to increased costs. Nevertheless, most of us choose to be distrustful because our experiences of loss from betraying after we have trusted someone are clearly visible and the benefits of cost savings by trusting someone are invisible. My attitude toward the world determines my actions, in our distorted experience, we regret and conflict daily. Even though we know it's a loss, we continue to cling to our foolish choices. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0010

Famous for his book "The Gun, the Germs and Steel," the great scholar "Jared Diamond" speaks 13 foreign languages. Once he made the wrong decision to change his job. He wanted to leave the field of science behind and become a "simultaneous interpreter." In the United States, however, speaking 13 languages seemed competitive, but being able to speak many languages in other parts of the world could not be competitive. Before doing a preferred occupation or doing something better than others, you should calmly be able to figure out your field of action first. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0009

As a classical composer, Beethoven was the first to assign the work number 'Op.' to his works. Music scholars numbered the works of other famous classical composers after they had passed away. Beethoven believed that his work would be passed on to future generations, and he made it his responsibility to do so. Therefore, uncharacterized works were not given an 'Op.', leaving him with fewer works than other composers. This attitude influenced other composers and made them responsible for their creations. Since then, of course, the number of works by composers has decreased. The responsibility of one person can affect a generation and beyond. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0008

Those who value ‘justice' and ‘morality' tend to regard even a little ‘exaggerated’ expression as ‘false’ or ‘immoral.’ They also reject ‘rhetorical exaggeration' to emphasize expression. But ‘exaggeration' is only important for its ‘intention and purpose’ and is by no means ‘false’ in conveying meaning. ‘Rhetorical exaggeration’ is not a fabrication, but an emphasis. Rather, people want to prove their own integrity, and then push the ‘rhetorical exaggeration' to the one side as it is false and use that 'rhetorical exaggeration’ as a way to intimidate someone who used it is immoral. - Joseph’s "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0007

"Discount" is the sacrifice of the value-added you have created. Failure to produce Value Added will result in no profit, and there is a greater chance that the net worth will decrease as much as the profit that has been reduced. The problem is the customer. "Discounting from the start" and "selling at a discount" are strictly different for customers. Neither can do it right if the sellers don't know the "cost". Surprisingly, many businessmen do business without knowing the value they add and the cost. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0006

"Apples are the fruit" is a true proposition. At this time, "apples" are a Sufficient Condition to be fruit, and vice versa, because the "fruit to be an apple is more necessary for other conditions such as "red, round", the fruit is a Necessary Condition to become an apple. If the proposition of "If you respect someone, you'll get married" is "true," it's a "Sufficient Condition" to find someone you admire for marriage, but it's just only a "Necessary Condition" to find someone to marry for respect. Even with respect, you can not get married. You can't get married even if the Reverse Proposition is "true." Because marriage is a matter of "choice" before conditions or needs. If you want a respectable man, you can find a great man. To live comfortably, you can find a rich man. So, is there no Necessary-Sufficient Proposition for a marriage (conditions where both the proposition

Just my thoughts #0005

The dichotomy of history in which mankind has separated emotions and reason is long. People have thought that emotions are inferior and that reason is superior. In priority relations, emotions seem to have less stake than the reason in our minds. But let's see a psychopath. The rationale for justifying their bizarre behavior is mostly reason and logic. Emotions, especially empathy, are hard to find for them. If the work is done with reason and logic only, the chances of success may be high, but there remains a high possibility of aftereffects. The world moves in a way that values emotions more. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0004

A scab forms when the skin is injured. This is to protect the wound from contagion while healing. If a scab is still attached when the wound is healed perfectly, it is no longer a protective mechanism and is an alien substance, not skin. It is the same with the wounded mind. Everyone has a defense mechanism to protect their wounds. Even if your wound is completely healed, if you adhere to your defense mechanism, it would be a foreign object. It's not a part of yours, instead, that should be treated like a tumor. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0003

Certificates are often more valuable in proving "there is none" than in proving "there is one." For example, a birth certificate is more beneficial in proving the only person in the world by proving an unborn existence like him or her than in proving the person's existence. That is, proof of absence is more valuable than proof of existence. We don't know where value comes from. What is the real element of our existence and our occupation? - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0002

Knowing and doing are two very different things. Zhuge Liang, an incomparable genius who was a Chinese prime minister of the Three Kingdoms, knew the deep secret of nature. However, he suffered a great defeat in the most important battle because he wrongly appointed Ma Su as his subordinate general, even though he knew him well and had received a warning about his appointment from the late king. Personnel management is the most difficult thing in the world, and to manage it well is the key to success. - Joseph's "just my thoughts"

Just my thoughts #0001

Treating relationships between people is the world's hardest and most difficult thing. Most hard work mentally means feeling some troubles in the relationship among the people. If you feel so tired from your ordinary life, go deep inside of your mind to find the stresses from the people out, then you should take a rest enough. A rest gives us the power to stand for passing our lifetimes by, not to move the stresses themselves out. After all, time is medicine. -  Joseph's "j ust my thoughts"